To get started, you need to borrow a computer to make a boot media. Download the zipped ISO image of PCUnlocker and save it to the desktop. The download file is in .zip format which contains an ISO file. Unzip it and burn the ISO file to a CD using the freeware ISO2Disc.
Once the boot media is created, take it to boot off your locked computer. When you get to the screen of PCUnlocker, you'll see a list of local accounts in your system. For a disabled account, the "Disabled" column is shown as Yes.
Select a disabled admin account and click Reset Password button. This will enable your account as well as resetting the password. Reboot and remove the boot media. The "disabled" account will be shown at the login screen and you can sign in to it without typing a password.
This procedure works with all versions of Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP.